Natural Order - Human - Unethical
Every environmental niche is exploited by evolution.
The Egyptian plover eats the rotting
left-overs from
crocodile mouths in a symbiotic relationship
with another species. The bluestreak cleaner wrasse
eats parasites and dead flesh from visiting fish in a mutualistic
relationship with other fish. These are mutually beneficial
The similarly colored sabre-toothed blenny mimic
the "dance" of the bluestreak cleaner wrasse,
and trick fish into offering their underparts to be cleaned. Instead of
eating parasites, the sabre-toothed blenny eats the gills of unwary
victims. Fish that have already been bitten might subsequently attack bluestreak cleaner wrasse
trying to clean them. Some animals adopt the coloration of
poisonous animals to discourage
predators, which can lead some to attack the truly poisonous. A mite
only infects one ear of a moth, so the moth can still hear the
approach of a bat. A parasite that can only procreate by way of the
eggs of its host feminines the off-spring of its host.
These relationships benefit one at the expense of the other. fMRI and
genetic studies described in Evil Genes by Barbara Oakley
reveal that humans are infested with their equivalent of the
sabre-toothed blenny entitled "Machiavellians" or the
"successfully sinister":
Just as the cuckoo has found an
laying it's eggs in the nests of other birds (taking advantage of their
nurturing instincts), psychopaths and Machiavellians have found their
evolutionary niche in taking advantage of the natural altruism of other
humans. Such variation in emotional outlook is bred into
our very genes
as exemplified by the man who charms his way into
a neighbor's life only to rape their daughter, whose nurturing ways
births another Machiavellian at the expense of a normal child birthed
from a loving relationship with caring father. Beware the
charismatic, the charmers for they are likely Machiavellians with the
borderline personality disorders that allow them to manipulate
the unwary.
... congenitally deceptive individuals
--cheaters-- can thrive and reproduce in society
Machiavellians merely shock, disappoint and abuse their spouses,
families and co-workers with their chameleon antics. Their harm is
limited until they gain access to a receptive audience that helps
extend their reach to ever larger audiences until positions of power
are attained. What makes an audience receptive? "Emote
role of emotion in shaping 'rational"thinking is tremendously
underrated. Strong evidence shows that human behavior is the
product of
both the traditional deliberation that takes place in the front areas
the cerebral cortex and the "emote control" --emotional reasoning--
originates in the limbic system. ... Rational abilities were gradually
added to the preexisting and simultaneously developing emotional
full rationality of the prefrontal cortex emerged on only the last 2.5
percent of human history. Furthermore, many otherwise apparently normal
modern humans have underdeveloped prefrontal cortex, and lack common
sense or the ability to reason. Like the weak minded easily influenced
by the Jedi in Star Wars, such people are easily manipulated by
The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is
deeply involved in the ability to think logically and rationally about
various topics. People with slight problems in their dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex appear to act normally; however, they may
confidently, even arrogantly, draw bizar and irrational conclusions.
... problems with the ventromedial cortex, much like problems with the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, can lead to subtly irrational
behavior. p. 181
brain damage has also been affiliated with odd 'end justifies the
means' behavior. ... The medial obito cortex appears to be particularly
important in suppressing emotional memories that are irrevelent to the
current situation. ... substance abuse also appears to produce
prefrontal dysfunction. p. 204
Another disturbing aspect of emote control is the reinforcement of
irrational decisions.
recent imaging study by psychologist Drew Weston and his colleagues at
Emory University provides firm support for the existence of emotional
reasoning.15 Just prior to the 2004
presidential elections, two groups of subjects were recruited --
fifteen ardent Democrats and fifteen ardent Republicans. Each was
presented with conflicting and seemingly damaging statements about
their candidate as well as more neutral targets such as Tom Hanks (who,
it appears is a likable guy for people of all political persuasions).
Unsurprisingly, when the participants were asked to draw a logical
conclusion about a candidate from the other -- "wrong" -- political
party, the participants found a way to arrive at a conclusion that made
the candidate look bad, even though logic should have mitigated the
particular circumstances and allowed them to reach a different
conclusion. Here's where it gets interesting.
When this "emote
control" began to occur, parts of the brain normally involved in
reasoning were not activated. Instead, a constellation of of
occurred in the same areas of the brain where punishment, pain and
negative emotions are experienced (that is in the left insula, lateral
frontal cortex, and ventromedial prefrontal cortex). Once a way was
found to ignore information that could not be rationally discounted,
the neural punishment areas turned off, and the participant received a
blast of activation in the circuits involving rewards -- akin to the
high an addict receives when getting his fix. In essence, the
participants were not about to let facts get in the way of their
hot-button decision-making and quick buzz of reward. "None of the
circuits involved in conscious reasoning were consciously engaged,"
says Weston. "Essentially, it appears as if partisans twirl the
cognitive kaleidoscope until they get the conclusions they want, and
then they get massively reinforced for it with the elimination of
negative emotional states and activation of positive ones." p. 189
15. Drew Weston et al., "The Neural Basis of Motivated
Reasoning: an fMRI
Study of Emotional Constraints on Political Judgment during the U.S.
Presidential Election of 2004," Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 18,
no. 11 (2006): 1947-1958.
Emote control may derive from gene survival via clan
survival, much
like lion prides will attack one another, despite their being of the
same species. By virtue of being identified by parents, friends or
leaders as
being a member of a group, or by identifying oneself with a group, one
may irrationally defend the group and demonize those not members of the
group. The self-reinforcing nature of emote control
explains the tendency toward political, religious, racial and
polarization. See also How facts backfire.
noticed the phenomena while driving 4,000 miles on two-lane roads, and
feeling good about my decision to pass multiple cars without
breaking. On one hilly/windy rural stretch in Idaho, I was
convinced I could pass a car and a semi despite a large distance
between the two. I was so convinced of the correctness of my
decision, that I would not break as the simi and I approached a
hill. I finally woke up to the extremely dangerous reality as
visibility over the hill vanished while I was along side of the semi,
which was apparently empty, because he was not slowing up
hill. Luckily, there was so little traffic that I passed without
incident. Immediately after the scare, I briefly rationalized
that it was an OK decision, because of the odds of encountering
on-coming traffic, but the flashing head lights of the truck affirmed
the reality that I was wrong. Passing both was a stupid
are as easily manipulated by political Machiavellians as the
faithful are manipulated by religious Machiavellians, but the worst
results have occurred in collectivist (Fascist and Communist extremes
of Socialism) systems with the murder of many
millions by Hitler,
Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.
Dr. Li, Chairman Mao's personal
physician remarked, "Repeatedly in my years with Mao, I watched him win
loyalty from others in the same way he had won it from
me. He would begin by charming people, winning their trust, getting
them to
open up, to confess their faults ... Mao would then forgive them, and
make them feel safe. Thus redeemed, they became loyal."
seems as much the behavior of a minister/priest/rabbi, etc. as a
politician. Weak-minded journalists and other influential people are
often charmed by Machiavellians to help extend their influence.
gullible Western writers, Mao created a legend for himself as a Chinese
Robin Hood who won the respect of all those he led. The
was that he ruled by savage caprice, willful incompetence, and
egotism. Ultimately, he was responsible for the death of over seventy
Chinese during peacetime alone. p. 28
Mao also
deliberately chose an influential American journalist, Edgar Snow, who
wrote for the Saturday Evening post and New Your Harold-Tribune, to
charm for the western world. Snow swallowed Mao's
wholesale, calling Mao and other party leaders "direct, frank, simple,
undevious," 82 Mao's journalistic charm
campaign had
long-term payoffs for both Snow and Mao. Other prominent figures joined
Snow in praising Mao and his regime. Harvard professor John K. Faorbank
"returned from a visit to China and remarked: "The Maoist revolution is
on the whole the best thing that has happened to the Chinese people in
centuries." Feminist philosopher Simone de Beauvoir excused Mao's
murderous regime by arguing that "the power [he] exercises is no more
dictatorial than, say, Roosevelt's was." Jean-Paul
Sartre, de
Beavouir's consort, celebrated Mao's revolutionary violence," declaring
it to be "profoundly moral." 83 p.
fundamental immorality of Machiavellians allows them to
disproportionately reproduce while they impose chastity on their
minions. For example, by virtue of the brutal
conquests of Genghis Khan
in every 200 males worldwide alive today, are direct male descendants
of the thirteenth century Genghis Khan. ... Giocabgga, progenitor of
China's Qing dynasty, has
been found to be the probable ancestor of approximately 1.6 million men
living today. The average man from Giocabgga's era should have only
about twenty living male descendants." p. 267
... Despotism and Differential Reproduction
provides a cornucopia of evidence documenting the increased capacity of
those with more power --and frequently, Machiavellian tendencies-- to
have offspring. The Guinness Book of Records, for example,
long cited Ismail the Bloodthirsty as the most prolific man ever." p.
The more Machiavellian, that is despotic, a man might be, the more
polygynous he tended to be.
the effort to control their illicitly acquired wealth and power,
in-breeding is common among Machiavellians, increasing the likelihood
of psychotic offspring as well as increasing the likelihood of
Machiavellian progeny with wealth and power. The likes of the
Rothschilds, Rockefellers
and Morgans are often described in
this context.
short, it seems hereditary aristocracies --not to mention the decidedly
wealthy-- can attract mates with ambitious, manipulative, controlling,
chameleon-like, semi-neurotic personalities, who in turn are more prone
... to have children with a genetic predisposition for similarly
idiosyncratic personalities. And indeed, there is a growing body of
research literature that reveals how people selectively seat themselves
into positions that suit their personalities.55
p. 277
55. For an excellent review of the
topic, see T.
and S. McFarland, "revisiting the Stanford Prison Experiment: Could
Participant Self-Selection Have Led to Cruelty?" Personality and
Psychology Bulletin 33, no. 5 (2007): 603-14.
... It
seems that the longer an empire is in existence, the more time the
successfully sinister have to find ways to subvert the system and
insert themselves into positions of power. But even as
--be they political, religious or business-- begin gradually to
founder, they can still muddle on, year after dysfunctional
year. Sometimes, especially in political or religious enterprises, they
slither through century after dysfunctional century.
... By
taking advantage of their own dysfunctional but simultaneously
advantageous traits, as well as the compliant characteristics and emote
control reasoning of others, Machiavellians can build tightly
interlocked systems that keep naysayers in check and allow themselves
remain in control. p. 278
One explanation for why humans are less violent than other primates is
language. With it, the meek were able to conspire to murder the
bullies. Repeated such events breed violent genes from the human pool.
Marcs Aurelius appointed his son Commodus rather than a more deserving
candidate as his heir, the results proved devastating for Rome. Instead
of taking serious interest in matters of state, Commodus showed himself
to be interested only in staged gladiatorial events, for which he
charged Rome extraordinary sums, and sex, indulging himself with
of female concubines and young boys. He surrounded himself with
syncophantic fellow Machiavellians who ran the government for their
personal profit rather than the empire's benefit --which, after an
extended period of extraordinary malfeasance, eventually drove the
Romans to kill Commodus and his clique.*52
* Stanley Bing's delightfully
entertaining Rome, Inc. points out the similarities between the Roman
Empire and the modern multinational business environment. ...
Stanley Bing, Rome, Inc. The Rise and Fall of the First Multinational
Corporation (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2006), pp.
this approach may be tempting for those harmed by Machiavellians, there
is no explicit medical test for the set of personality disorders that
comprise Machiavellians, nor are there explicit genetic tests.
Furthermore, murder is not a civil option. However, educating people to
Machiavellian traits will minimize their reproduction. Eliminating
power centers like governments and religions will minimize
the impact of Machiavellians.
as communicable diseases spread more rapidly and thoroughly in cities
than in rural areas, Machiavellians thrive in cities,
with the blue and red regions respectively mapped during the 2008
Densely populated areas, apparently, are
equivalent for psychopaths of ponds and puddles for malarial mosquitoes.
are also where those with poor reasoning skills tend to congregate,
because they require
the products and services of those with reason and common
sense to
survive. Sensing their own weakness, these people often denigrate the
"blue collar workers" who make life possible for them. Running more on
emote control than reason,
embrace the simple-minded solutions advanced by Machiavellians, like
voting to have someone else do it and pay for it, government and
taxpayers respectively. They are easy prey for
Many of the Democrat, Progressive, Green and Socialist
Party members who I have encountered at community forums and debates
while a candidate for State
Assembly twice, Representative once and City Council once were quickly
frustrated by a logical
argument. Evidently suffering from their relative lack of reason and
common sense, they
tense, change the
subject, regurgitate catch phrases or a tape recording, or resort to
name-calling and ad
hominem attacks.
... Hitler's borderline-like thought
process followed the
emotion-driven pattern of delusion --his thinking was observed to
"proceed from the emotion to the factual." ...
... in discussions,
where Hitler was "unable to match wits with another person in a
straightforward argument. He [would] express his opinion at length, but
he [would] not defend it on logical grounds." One observer noted: "He
is afraid of logic. Like a woman, he evades the issue and ends by
throwing in your face an argument entirely remote from what you were
talking about." 69
"No matter how impulsive, bizarre, destructive, or lawless
his actions were, Hitler rationalized them as legitimate." 71
pp. 304-305
69 Langer, Mind of Adolf Hitler, p. 227
71 George Victor, Hitler: The
pathology of Evil (Washington, DC: Brassey's, 2000), p. 115
By virtue of living in cities, many of these same people are usually
exposed as children to a broad spectrum of culture and behavior, so
are less apt to be religious or bigoted. Perhaps a lack of common sense
to less paranoia among collectivist parents, which equates to less
tendency to
over-protect their children, which is a problem among another segment
of society susceptible to Machiavellians: The Authoritarians.
"When I appeal ...
for sacrifice, the first spark is
struck. The humbler the people are, the greater the craving
identify themselves with a cause bigger than themselves." 24
-- Adolf Hitler p. 334
studies now reveal areas of the brain like the "spirituality spot" that
when underdeveloped results in a lack of a sense of self. Such
people devote themselves to others more than normal. A version of this
was exemplified by the secretary of a CEO at a health insurance company
in Oregon, which has a nun on site, and where many of the walls and
cubicles are littered with religious paraphernalia. She said God always
talks to her. I asked for an example. She said he told her to shovel
the driveway so it would not freeze over night. She actually believes
her thinking to herself like all normal people do to prioritize the
days was God talking to her ... a tame version of those who hear demons
before they go on a murder spree.
The Spirituality Spot and other brain
deficiencies may contribute to supernatural beliefs,
but few people would be religious were it not for childhood
indoctrination and isolation due to parental superstition and insecurity,
which can lead
to fundamentalism, bigotry, hatred and the abuse that triggers the
expression of
Machiavellian genes. The ignorance and low intelligence of many of the
religious make them prime targets for political as well as religious
Machiavellians, like the Fundamentalist Jewish settler Rabbi who
authored "The
Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews," including babies, and
whose followers seek luck twirling chickens over their heads
and killing them. Similarly, thanks to the leadership of fundamentalist
Muslims, the husband of a
beautiful young women left her to bleed to death with her nose and ears amputated,
because she offended her family. Of course these and other
religion devotees often seek the power of government to impose their
righteous ways
on everyone.
Dr. Persinger stimulates the Sense Pretense area with an electromagnet
the right temporal lobe, and people sense God.
There is a reliable test for Authoritarians,
but there is no such test for the sinisterly successful.
can sometimes be difficult to know whether a political, religious,
business or scientific leader is cognitively disturbed or an
avant-guard visionary who sees the truth others are missing.*74
Or perhaps both. pp. 306-307
- There are some characteristics of Machiavellians:
- Charming, narcissistic, impulsive, chameleon, ambitious,
controlling and sometimes sadistic.
- Cognitively dysfunctional, lack identity, deny reality if
it is perceived.
- Project onto others failures that can no longer be denied.
- Temper, hypomania or mania are used to achieve goals.
- If there is exceptional memory, it is used to charm or
- If there is exceptional intelligence, it is used for
- When not easily identified, the successfully sinister can
be detected by following their trail of fear, loathing and
lawsuits, but warning others may be a futile endeavor:
only those who have experienced the successfully sinister believe they
exist. Most believe "the seemingly sinister person
can be
taught how to act more reasonably, perhaps though the proper modeling
of patience, understanding and compassion. ... People aren't generally
raised and educated to understand that small percentages of the
population --some of whom are outwardly successful-- are quite capable
of masking deeply disturbed personalities." p. 319
The closer
you climb toward the nexus of power in any given social structure, the
more likely you'll ... find a person with Machiavellian tendencies. ...
The larger the social structure and the bigger the payoff, the more
Machiavellians eventually ... find a way to creep to the top in numbers
all out of proportion to their underlying percentage in
Machiavellians can have an incalculably restrictive,
demoralizing, and corrupt effect on those in their sphere of influence.
... But worse is that Machiavellian behavior ... often seems to reach
awe-inspiring proportions before anyone feels compelled to take solid
action. ... Ordinary people's emote control also means that sinister
behavior can be seen as less important --or because of calcified
beliefs about an ideology, institution or person-- even justifiable.
... Taking action against a Machiavellian is often a dangerous
proposition ... . p. 333
Opaque organizations, systems, and
ideologies that easily allow for underhanded interactions play to
Machiavellian's strong suit, allowing them to conceal their deceitful
practices more easily. Idealistic systems such as communism
some religious or quasi-religious creeds are perfect for Machiavellians
because they often lack checks and balances, or don't use them. p. 334
who draw up rules and legislation to deter Machiavellian behavior are
often surprised to find their policy turned on it's head, and used by
Machiavellians for nefarious purposes. ...
Machiavellians are always present in every
system that relates
to power. It's just in times of troubles and in
systems, it's easy for them to reach the pinnacle. p. 335
Which is
why Machiavellians create trouble and impose secrecy.
Personality and Individual Differences by Farah Ali, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, journal homepage:
Non-clinical psychopathy and Machiavellianism are
personality traits with a particularly nefarious reputation; they are
associated with callousness, manipulation, deception, egocentricity,
emotional coldness, superficial charm and exploitation.
primary psychopathy is characterised by impulsivity, aggression,
hostility, extraversion, self-confidence and low to average anxiety.
Secondary psychopathy, like primary psychopathy, is characterised by
hostility, impulsivity and aggression, but unlike primary psychopathy,
it is associated with social anxiety, introversion, moodiness and low
Machiavellianism is associated
with promiscuity, hostile sexual attitudes and various selfish and
deceptive sexual tactics such as cheating, divulging intimate sexual
secrets to others, feigning love, inducing intoxication to secure sex
and an endorsement of using sexual force.
... deceit in interpersonal relationships, a cynical attitude to human nature and a lack of concern for conventional morality.
that Machiavellians are often undetectable, entrenched and vindictive,
the only reliable way to minimize their horrors is to eliminate
the concentrations of power that enable the most harm:
government and religion.
the genetic, developmental and child rearing concerns, there are
technological concerns: MIT neuroscientists believe they have isolated
the brain region — just behind the right ear — where moral judgments
take place where they can suspend someone’s ability to judge right
from wrong,
simply by generating a magnetic field near the same spot where many
our cellular phones and hang wireless Bluetooth headsets. The technique
used by the MIT scientists, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS),
has been described as one that creates “virtual lesions” on the brain. Neurostar makes a device that
affects mood and behavior from outside the head. The treatment is
becoming increasingly popular
for everything from tinnitus to depression. The US military also hopes to use TMS to keep soldiers
fighting without the need to stop for sleep.
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