Natural Order - Realities

The primary realities are objective and subjective. Living in one and imagining in the other can result in innovation. Living in both can be disastrous for humans relations and even human existence. Problems with relationships based on objective reality can be identified and resolved. Relationships based on subjective reality are tenuous at best.

Objective reality is that which can be experienced with visual, auditory, tactile, taste and olfactory sense organs. Objective reality can be logically related and explicitly distinguished. In objective reality we can agree on the properties of something and give it a name.

For example, an inanimate object is a writing or drawing implement or instrument. In the English world, we agree to call it a "pencil" if it deposits graphite or lead on the writing/drawing surface, and distinguish it from another writing or drawing implement or instrument by the name of "pen," because deposits a liquid on the writing/drawing surface. We can further distinguish the pencil as wood with various and colors or mechanical with various shapes, colors and mechanisms. We can distinguish pens as fountain, ball or felt tip. These are distinct from a painting instrument, called a "brush." We similarly distinguish animate things into plants and animals, and animals into primates and humans, and humans in to male and female of various races, sizes, shapes and hair and eye color.

Objective reality can be abstracted and communicated with little loss in accuracy if carefully done. If rushed, the accuracy of a complex description can degrade with each translation by a different human, because of perceptive biases based on patterns of experience. Still we can agree that a brown cylindrical thing that branches into green appendages is a tree, that A is A and not B, and that one plus one is two.

The human brain is a pattern-matching engine. That is why it can process so much objective reality so quickly. It is optimized for visual processing. When vision is lost, tactile substitutes are still described in visual terms, because their patterns are still processed by the visual cortex.

That's why the brain can instantly distinguish distant faces and subtle emotions in poor lighting conditions, and equate a scene of multiple objects with the need for a flight, fight or kill for food response. That skill was essential to survival. It is also likely why dark-skinned people are feared more than light-skinned people, because in low light conditions there is insufficient contrast on a dark face to distinguish emotion that would be obvious as a threatening expression on a light-skinned person.

A set of pattern responses developers as a result of correlating a sequence of patterns as cause and effect. This becomes the if-then-else logical sequence process of the brain. Patterns that resulted in a good effect are sought. Patterns that resulted in a bad effect are avoided. A conflict arises when conflicting pattern responses compete as with the good pattern response of eating a cookie and the bad pattern response of being punished for doing so before dinner.

These pattern responses change only after repeated counter examples are experienced. Children taught to fear crossing streets in traffic will reinforce that pattern response with bad experiences or mitigate it with good experiences. One can lead to phobia. The other can lead to confidence.

Children taught to fear people of an appearance, language or behavior different from them will become and remain bigots of one kind or another until repeated experiences replace the childhood pattern with an adult pattern that nullifies the bigotry. Once a parent is proven wrong by experience, other parental dictates are questioned. The disjoint beliefs may remain covert to avoid the unhappy pattern response of argument, shunning, expulsion, disownership, stoning, etc., or the parent may be shown the counter examples, and made less fearful by adding a new pattern to compete with a past personal (objective reality) experience.

The first pattern response of a female to a male is usually that of a daughter to her father, and the second to her older brother. The daughter then applies that incomplete set of pattern responses to male associates and potential mates, validating, nullifying or altering that pattern response, or adding new ones. The same is true of males and their pattern responses to their mothers and older sisters. These early male-female pattern response strongly bias new male-female pattern responses. They can discourage or adversely affect a new personal relationship, or fail to discourage a detrimental or dangerous personal relationship.

To avoid such problems, one must recognize a pattern response for what it is, and understand its origin, such as sex or sexuality. That done, one can distinguish a new pattern from an old one, and respond appropriately, or alter their response to the old pattern.

Subjective reality is that which is imagined. It is unique to each individual. It cannot be shown to anyone. It can only be implicitly described and inaccurately repeated.

Subjective reality can be a fantasy or wish based on objective reality that can be made real as in innovation or new behavior or relationship in objective reality. Thusly a dream may become a reality if acted upon in the objective world. Such imaginings are limited to the physics of this universe.

Subjective reality can be partly based in objective reality when an unusual natural phenomenon is experienced for which there is no explanation, and rather than tolerate it as an unknown, it is instead attributed to an incorrect natural cause as in believing flies spontaneously arise from waste because the process of mating, egg, larva and fly went unnoticed. Someone died, and it rained, so killing people will bring rain. Sorry, but correlation is not necessarily causation.

Subjective reality can also be a fantasy or wish with no basis in objective reality. This is the realm of superstition and the supernatural in which lightning, thunder, earthquakes, storms and pestilence are attributed to gods, and people are ruled by spirits and daemons. People wish their loved ones were sill alive, so they image an afterlife or next life, and see ghosts. People wish for a father figure to provide sustenance, shelter and security, so they invent a fatherly god. People wish for a loving, nurturing mother figure, and according attribute an imaginary being.

Left alone this self-delusion would diminish, and be replaced with objective reality as memories faded, feelings mollified and difficulties abated. Sadly, these delusions are manipulated by some people to achieve power over and extract wealth from the believers in such subjective reality. These parasites give names to the afterlife and gods, and repeat them often. They weave both into into stories easily remembered and repeated. They gather similarly indoctrinated people together to see each other and thereby reinforce their belief, and make their subjective reality appear real. Thusly religion is born.

The parasites establish criteria for the afterlife and distinguish behavior that appeases or angers the gods. Doing the good works of the church or otherwise donating labor and assets to the church is good. Sex is bad, so that energy can be channeled into the church. Believers conduct their lives according to religious dictates with little or no basis in objective reality. Thusly, the bodies of those with weak or susceptible minds are enslaved.

Sadly, the enslaved indoctrinate their children in the same subjective realty, enslaving them as well.  Giordano Bruno is a classic example of the result. Thankfully, intelligence relates more often with atheism.

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